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There are 7 words containing BENTO

BENTObento n. A Japanese takeaway lunch served in a box, often with the food arranged into an elaborate design.
bento n. (Graphical user interface) menu icon of nine squares in a grid.
bentō n. Alternative spelling of bento.
BENTOSbentos n. Plural of bento.
BENTO n. (Japanese) a Japanese meal packed in a box, also OBENTO.
OBENTOobento n. Alternative form of bento.
OBENTO n. (Japanese) a thin lightweight compartmented box containing a meal, also BENTO.
OBENTOSobentos n. Plural of obento.
OBENTO n. (Japanese) a thin lightweight compartmented box containing a meal, also BENTO.
BENTONITEbentonite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several impure clay minerals consisting mostly of montmorillonite.
bentonite n. A porous clay formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash that swells 5 to 6 times its original volume…
BENTONITE n. a kind of clay, used in industry as a filler etc.
BENTONITESbentonites n. Plural of bentonite.
BENTONITE n. a kind of clay, used in industry as a filler etc.
BENTONITICbentonitic adj. Formed of, or containing, bentonite.
BENTONITIC adj. of or like bentonite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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