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There are 18 words containing BASHI

BASHINGbashing v. Present participle of bash.
bashing n. An instance of bashing; a physical or verbal attack.
BASHING n. a malicious physical or verbal attack.
ABASHINGabashing adj. Tending to abash; causing embarrassment or the loss of self-possession.
abashing v. Present participle of abash.
ABASH v. to strike with shame.
BASHINGSbashings n. Plural of bashing.
BASHING n. a malicious physical or verbal attack.
BIMBASHIbimbashi n. Alternative spelling of binbashi.
BIMBASHI n. (Turkish) a Turkish military officer.
TABASHIRtabashir n. Alternative form of tabasheer.
TABASHIR n. (Portuguese) a siliceous substance sometimes found in crude form in hollows of bamboos, used in Eastern medicine, also TABASHEER.
BIMBASHISbimbashis n. Plural of bimbashi.
BIMBASHI n. (Turkish) a Turkish military officer.
TABASHIRSTABASHIR n. (Portuguese) a siliceous substance sometimes found in crude form in hollows of bamboos, used in Eastern medicine, also TABASHEER.
WARIBASHIwaribashi n. Disposable chopsticks.
WARIBASHI n. (Japanese) a pair of chopsticks in the form of a single sliver of wood ready scored for splitting in two.
EARBASHINGearbashing v. Present participle of earbash.
EARBASHING n. talking to someone loudly and at length.
KURBASHINGkurbashing v. Present participle of kurbash.
KURBASH v. (Arabic) to flog with a leather whip, also KOURBASH.
WARIBASHISWARIBASHI n. (Japanese) a pair of chopsticks in the form of a single sliver of wood ready scored for splitting in two.
BASHIBAZOUKbashibazouk n. Alternative spelling of bashi-bazouk.
bashi-bazouk n. An irregular soldier of the Ottoman army, reputed to be undisciplined and brutal.
BASHIBAZOUK n. one of a group of irregular Turkish soldiers notorious for their brutality.
BUSHBASHINGbushbashing v. Present participle of bushbash.
BUSHBASHING n. the process of forcing a path through the bush.
EARBASHINGSEARBASHING n. talking to someone loudly and at length.
KOURBASHINGkourbashing v. Present participle of kourbash.
KOURBASH v. (Arabic) to whip with a hide whip, also KURBASH.
SQUABASHINGsquabashing v. Present participle of squabash.
SQUABASH v. to crush esp. with criticism; to lambaste.
BASHIBAZOUKSbashibazouks n. Plural of bashibazouk.
bashi-bazouks n. Plural of bashi-bazouk.
BASHIBAZOUK n. one of a group of irregular Turkish soldiers notorious for their brutality.
BUSHBASHINGSBUSHBASHING n. the process of forcing a path through the bush.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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