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There are 16 words containing BARIT

BARITEbarite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral, barium sulphate, with the chemical formula BaSO4.
BARITE n. a native sulphate of barium, also BARYTE.
BARITESbarites n. Plural of barite.
BARITE n. a native sulphate of barium, also BARYTE.
BARITONEbaritone n. The male voice between tenor and bass.
baritone n. The musical range between tenor and bass.
baritone n. A person, instrument, or group that performs in the range between tenor and bass.
SYBARITEsybarite n. A person devoted to luxury and pleasure; a hedonist.
sybarite adj. Synonym of sybaritic (“of or having the qualities of a sybarite; dedicated to excessive comfort and…
Sybarite n. A native or inhabitant of Sybaris.
BARBARITYbarbarity n. (Uncountable) The state of being barbarous; brutality.
barbarity n. (Countable) A barbaric act.
barbarity n. (Uncountable) crudity.
BARITONALbaritonal adj. Pertaining to or having the character of a baritone.
BARITONAL adj. of or like a baritone.
BARITONESbaritones n. Plural of baritone.
BARITONE n. a deep male voice, also BARYTONE.
SYBARITESsybarites n. Plural of sybarite.
Sybarites n. Plural of Sybarite.
SYBARITE n. a person devoted to pleasure and luxury.
SYBARITICsybaritic adj. Of or having the qualities of a sybarite (“a person devoted to luxury and pleasure”); dedicated to excessive…
Sybaritic adj. Of or relating to Sybaris or its inhabitants.
Sybaritic adj. Alternative letter-case form of sybaritic (“of or having the qualities of a sybarite (“a person devoted…
SYBARITISHSYBARITISH adj. like a sybarite, devoted to luxury, also SYBARITIC, SYBARITICAL.
SYBARITISMsybaritism n. Luxury; wantonness; voluptuousness.
SYBARITISM n. devotion to luxury.
BARBARITIESbarbarities n. Plural of barbarity.
BARBARITY n. the state of being barbaric.
SYBARITICALsybaritical adj. Sybaritic.
SYBARITICAL adj. like a sybarite, devoted to luxury, also SYBARITIC, SYBARITISH.
SYBARITISMSsybaritisms n. Plural of sybaritism.
SYBARITISM n. devotion to luxury.
SYBARITICALLYsybaritically adv. In a sybaritic manner.
SYBARITICAL adv. like a sybarite, devoted to luxury, also SYBARITIC, SYBARITISH.
METACINNABARITEmetacinnabarite n. (Mineralogy) sulphide of mercury in a black isometric form.
METACINNABARITE n. the black solid form of mercuric sulphide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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