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There are 5 nine-letter words containing BRIDE

BRIDECAKEbridecake n. (Archaic) Rich or highly ornamented cake, to be distributed to the guests at a wedding, or sent to friends…
BRIDECAKE n. rich or highly ornamented cake, to be distributed to the guests at a wedding.
BRIDEMAIDbridemaid n. Archaic form of bridesmaid.
BRIDEMAID n. a woman who is an attendant of a bride, also BRIDESMAID, BRIDEMAIDEN.
BRIDESMANbridesman n. A male friend or companion of the bridegroom, having various ceremonial duties at a wedding.
bridesman n. A male bridesmaid; a man who attends a bride during her wedding ceremony, as part of the wedding party.
BRIDESMAN n. a male equivalent of a bridesmaid, also BRIDEMAN.
BRIDESMENbridesmen n. Plural of bridesman.
BRIDESMAN n. a male equivalent of a bridesmaid, also BRIDEMAN.
BRIDEWELLbridewell n. (Dated in Britain, Ireland, rare elsewhere) A small prison, or a police station that has cells.
BRIDEWELL n. a house of correction, a jail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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