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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing BINES

ALBINESSESalbinesses n. Plural of albiness.
ALBINESS n. (archaic) a female albino.
CHUBBINESSchubbiness n. The state or quality of being chubby.
CHUBBINESS n. the state of being chubby.
CLUBBINESSclubbiness n. The state or quality of being clubby, of resembling a small, selective group.
CLUBBINESS n. the state of being clubby, sociable.
COLUMBINEScolumbines n. Plural of columbine.
Columbines n. Plural of Columbine.
COLUMBINE n. a flower, aka aquilegia.
CONCUBINESconcubines n. Plural of concubine.
CONCUBINE n. a woman who cohabits with a man without being married; a kept mistress, also CONCUPY.
CRABBINESScrabbiness n. The state of being crabby.
CRABBINESS n. the state of being crabby.
DRABBINESSDRABBINESS n. the state of being a drab.
FLABBINESSflabbiness n. The characteristic or quality of being flabby.
FLABBINESS n. the quality of being flabby.
GRUBBINESSgrubbiness n. The characteristic or quality of being grubby.
GRUBBINESS n. the state of being grubby.
KNOBBINESSknobbiness n. The state or condition of being knobby.
KNOBBINESS n. the state of being knobby.
RECOMBINESrecombines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recombine.
RECOMBINE v. to combine again.
SCABBINESSscabbiness n. The property of being scabby, of having or being covered with scabs.
SCABBINESS n. the state of being scabby.
SHABBINESSshabbiness n. The property of being shabby.
SHABBINESS n. the state of being shabby.
SLABBINESSslabbiness n. The quality of being slabby; sliminess, muddiness.
slabbiness n. The quality of being composed of or resembling slabs.
SLABBINESS n. the state of being slabby.
SNUBBINESSsnubbiness n. The state or condition of being snubby.
SNUBBINESS n. the quality of being snubby, inclined to snub or check.
STUBBINESSstubbiness n. The state or condition of being stubby.
STUBBINESS n. the state of being stubby.
UNCOMBINESuncombines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncombine.
UNCOMBINE v. (Dickens) to separate.
YOHIMBINESyohimbines n. Plural of yohimbine.
YOHIMBINE n. (Bantu) an alkaloid obtained from the bark of a West African tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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