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There are 11 words containing BUNA

ABUNAabuna n. (Christianity) The Patriarch, or head of the Abyssinian Church.
Abuna prop.n. A river in northeastern Bolivia that forms part of its border with Brazil.
Abuna prop.n. The title of the leader, or patriarch, of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
ABUNASabunas n. Plural of abuna.
ABUNA n. (Amharic) an Ethiopian patriarch.
BUNABuna prop.n. A Torricelli language of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.
Buna prop.n. Synonym of Mbum (“a language of Cameroon”).
BUNA n. a kind of artificial rubber made from butadiene.
BUNASBUNA n. a kind of artificial rubber made from butadiene.
MIBUNAmibuna n. A leaf vegetable used in Japanese cooking, Brassica rapa nipposinica or Brassica rapa japonica.
MIBUNA n. (Japanese) a vegetable of the cabbage family, closely related to mizuna.
MIBUNASMIBUNA n. (Japanese) a vegetable of the cabbage family, closely related to mizuna.
TRIBUNALtribunal n. (Law) An assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business; a court of law.
tribunal n. (Philippines, historical) A kind of village hall used to transact business, to quarter troops and travellers…
TRIBUNAL n. a court of justice.
TRIBUNALStribunals n. Plural of tribunal.
TRIBUNAL n. a court of justice.
TRIBUNARYtribunary adj. Of or pertaining to tribunes.
TRIBUNARY adj. relating to a tribune.
TRIBUNATEtribunate n. The state or office of a tribune; tribuneship.
TRIBUNATE n. the office of a tribune.
TRIBUNATEStribunates n. Plural of tribunate.
TRIBUNATE n. the office of a tribune.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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