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There are 11 words containing BOTR

BOTRYOIDbotryoid n. (Botany) A determinate inflorescence, similar to a raceme, taking the form of flowers arranged alongside an axis.
BOTRYOID adj. of minerals, occurring in grape-shaped masses, also BOTRYOIDAL, BOTRYOSE.
BOTRYOIDALbotryoidal adj. (Chiefly mineralogy) Having the form of a bunch of grapes.
BOTRYOIDAL adj. of minerals, occurring in grape-shaped masses, also BOTRYOID, BOTRYOSE.
BOTRYOSEbotryose adj. Having the form of a cluster of grapes.
botryose adj. Of the racemose or acropetal type of inflorescence.
BOTRYOSE adj. having the form of a cluster of grapes, also BOTRYOID, BOTRYOIDAL.
BOTRYTISbotrytis n. Any fungus of the genus Botrytis, especially Botrytis cinerea which is responsible for the formation…
Botrytis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sclerotiniaceae – grey mold that infect plants, of many commercially…
BOTRYTIS n. a genus of fungi which cause plant diseases.
BOTRYTISEDSorry, definition not available.
BOTRYTISESbotrytises n. Plural of botrytis.
BOTRYTIS n. a genus of fungi which cause plant diseases.
METABOTROPICmetabotropic adj. Describing a neurotransmitter or cell receptor whose action is mediated by metabolic functions (e.g…
METABOTROPIC adj. describing a neurotransmitter or cell receptor whose action is mediated by metabolic functions (e.g. enzyme activation).
ROBOTRIESROBOTRY n. the science of robots.
ROBOTRYrobotry n. Robotics.
ROBOTRY n. the science of robots.
STROBOTRONstrobotron n. A cold-cathode tube designed for high-current narrow pulses, used in high-speed photography.
STROBOTRON n. a gas-filled electron tube used esp. as a source of bright flashes of light for a stroboscope.
STROBOTRONSstrobotrons n. Plural of strobotron.
STROBOTRON n. a gas-filled electron tube used esp. as a source of bright flashes of light for a stroboscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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