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There are 18 words containing BEDL

ABSORBEDLYabsorbedly adv. In a manner as if wholly engrossed or engaged.
ABSORBED adv. ABSORB, to take up or in.
BEDLAMbedlam n. A place or situation of chaotic uproar, and where confusion prevails.
bedlam n. (Obsolete) An insane person; a lunatic; a madman.
bedlam n. (Obsolete) A lunatic asylum; a madhouse.
BEDLAMERbedlamer n. (Canada) A young harp seal after its second moult.
BEDLAMER n. (Canadian) a young harp seal.
BEDLAMERSbedlamers n. Plural of bedlamer.
BEDLAMER n. (Canadian) a young harp seal.
BEDLAMISMbedlamism n. (Dated) insanity.
BEDLAMISM n. anything characteristic of madness.
BEDLAMISMSbedlamisms n. Plural of bedlamism.
BEDLAMISM n. anything characteristic of madness.
BEDLAMITEbedlamite n. (Obsolete) A lunatic.
BEDLAMITE n. an inhabitant of a madhouse.
BEDLAMITESbedlamites n. Plural of bedlamite.
BEDLAMITE n. an inhabitant of a madhouse.
BEDLAMPbedlamp n. A bedside lamp.
BEDLAMP n. a reading light near a bed.
BEDLAMPSbedlamps n. Plural of bedlamp.
BEDLAMP n. a reading light near a bed.
BEDLAMSbedlams n. Plural of bedlam.
BEDLAM n. pandemonium.
BEDLESSbedless adj. Without a bed or beds.
BEDLESS adj. without a bed.
BEDLIKEbedlike adj. Resembling a bed.
BEDLIKE adj. resembling a bed.
BEDLINERbedliner n. A plastic shell that lines the bed of a vehicle.
BEDLINER n. a protective covering for the bed of a truck.
BEDLINERSbedliners n. Plural of bedliner.
BEDLINER n. a protective covering for the bed of a truck.
CRABBEDLYcrabbedly adv. In a crabbed manner.
CRABBED adv. CRAB, to obstruct, frustrate.
PERTURBEDLYperturbedly adv. In a perturbed manner.
PERTURBED adv. PERTURB, to disturb greatly.
UNDISTURBEDLYundisturbedly adv. Calmly; tranquilly; without disturbance.
UNDISTURBED adv. not disturbed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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