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There are 11 words containing BASO

BASOCHEbasoche n. A guild of legal clerks in pre-revolutionary France.
BASOCHE n. (French) a mediaeval guild of clerks of the parliament of Paris, performers of mystery plays.
BASOCHESbasoches n. Plural of basmati.
BASOCHE n. (French) a mediaeval guild of clerks of the parliament of Paris, performers of mystery plays.
BASONbason n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of basin.
Bason prop.n. A surname.
BASON n. (archaic) a basin, also BASEN, BASIN.
BASONSbasons n. Plural of bason.
Basons prop.n. Plural of Bason.
BASON n. (archaic) a basin, also BASEN, BASIN.
BASOPHILbasophil n. (Cytology) Any cell that has granules stained by basic stains.
BASOPHIL adj. of white blood cells, having an affinity for basic stains, also BASOPHILE, BASOPHILIC.
BASOPHIL n. a basophil cell.
BASOPHILEbasophile n. Alternative form of basophil.
BASOPHILE adj. of white blood cells, having an affinity for basic stains, also BASOPHIL, BASOPHILIC.
BASOPHILE n. such a cell.
BASOPHILESbasophiles n. Plural of basophile.
BASOPHILE n. such a cell.
BASOPHILIAbasophilia n. The condition of being basophilic.
basophilia n. (Hematology) A condition where the quantity of basophils (basophil granulocytes) is abnormally elevated.
BASOPHILIA n. of white blood cells, the state of having an affinity for stains.
BASOPHILIASbasophilias n. Plural of basophilia.
BASOPHILIA n. of white blood cells, the state of having an affinity for stains.
BASOPHILICbasophilic adj. Easily stained with basic dyes, such as haematoxylin.
BASOPHILIC adj. of white blood cells, having an affinity for stains, also BASOPHIL, BASOPHILE.
BASOPHILSbasophils n. Plural of basophil.
BASOPHIL n. a basophil cell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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