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There are 11 words containing BASC

BARBASCObarbasco n. A plant (Lonchocarpus urucu, now Deguelia rufescens var. urucu) native to parts of northern South America…
barbasco n. An evergreen (Jacquinia barbasco, now Jacquinia arborea).
barbasco n. One of several inedible wild Mexican yams (Dioscorea mexicana and Dioscorea composita) from which progesterone…
BARBASCOESBARBASCO n. (Spanish) any of a variety of South American plants, the roots of which are used to make fish-poison etc.
BARBASCOSbarbascos n. Plural of barbasco.
BARBASCO n. (Spanish) any of a variety of South American plants, the roots of which are used to make fish-poison etc.
BASCINETbascinet n. A light helmet, typically with a high, pointed skull, either open-faced (in early models) or made with…
BASCINET n. a light helmet, also BASINET, BASNET.
BASCINETSbascinets n. Plural of bascinet.
BASCINET n. a light helmet, also BASINET, BASNET.
BASCULEbascule n. A counterbalanced structure having one end that rises as the other lowers.
bascule n. (Firearms) The portion of a breech-loading firearm that pivots open in order to allow access to the chamber.
BASCULE n. (French) a type of bridge.
BASCULESbascules n. Plural of bascule.
BASCULE n. (French) a type of bridge.
CHUBASCOchubasco n. (Nautical) A violent squall with thunder and lightning, encountered during the rainy season along the…
CHUBASCO n. a violent thunderstorm.
CHUBASCOSchubascos n. Plural of chubasco.
CHUBASCO n. a violent thunderstorm.
VERBASCUMverbascum n. A mullein (of genus Verbascum).
Verbascum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Scrophulariaceae – the mulleins.
VERBASCUM n. another name for the flower mullein.
VERBASCUMSverbascums n. Plural of verbascum.
VERBASCUM n. another name for the flower mullein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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