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There are 7 nine-letter words containing BUTA

BUTADIENEbutadiene n. (Organic chemistry) An unsaturated hydrocarbon, CH2=CH-CH=CH2; it is obtained from petroleum and is…
BUTADIENE n. a hydrocarbon used in making synthetic rubber.
BUTANONESbutanones n. Plural of butanone.
BUTANONE n. a flammable ketone.
DEBUTANTEdebutante n. A young woman who makes her first formal appearance in society.
debutante n. A female debutant, especially in sport and entertainment.
debûtante n. Misspelling of débutante.
DEBUTANTSdebutants n. Plural of debutant.
débutants n. Plural of débutant.
DEBUTANT n. (French) someone (male) making a beginning.
ISOBUTANEisobutane n. (Organic chemistry) A hydrocarbon, a particular isomer of C4H10 found in natural gas.
ISOBUTANE n. a gaseous branched-chain hydrocarbon.
RAMBUTANSrambutans n. Plural of rambutan.
RAMBUTAN n. (Malay) a tree of the same family as the lychee; its edible fruit.
TRIBUTARYtributary n. (Hydrology) A natural water stream that flows into a larger river or other body of water.
tributary n. (Anatomy) A vein which drains into a another vein.
tributary n. A nation, state, or other entity that pays tribute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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