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There are 15 nine-letter words containing BORN

EARTHBORNearthborn adj. Born or produced on the planet Earth.
EARTHBORN adj. born from or on the earth.
FIRSTBORNfirstborn n. The first child to be born to a parent or family.
firstborn adj. Born as the first one in a family, flock or the like.
firstborn adj. Most excellent; most distinguished or exalted.
FOILBORNEFOILBORNE adj. of a craft, travelling along the water on hydrofoils.
FOODBORNEfoodborne adj. Transmitted through food.
food-borne adj. Alternative spelling of foodborne.
FOODBORNE adj. of illness, caused by food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms or toxic substances.
HELIBORNEheliborne adj. (Military) Transported by helicopter.
HELIBORNE adj. carried by helicopter.
LASTBORNSlastborns n. Plural of lastborn.
last-borns n. Plural of last-born.
LASTBORN n. a child born last in a family.
LATERBORNlaterborn adj. That was born later than another.
LATERBORN n. someone born later.
OVERBORNEoverborne v. Simple past tense and past participle of overbear.
OVERBEAR v. to bring down by superior force.
SHIPBORNEshipborne adj. Carried by ship.
SHIPBORNE adj. carried by ship.
SOILBORNEsoilborne adj. Transported by means of soil.
SOILBORNE adj. carried by the soil.
STILLBORNstillborn adj. Dead at birth.
stillborn adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Ignored, without influence, or unsuccessful from the outset; abortive.
stillborn n. A baby that is born dead.
STUBBORNSstubborns n. (Colloquial) stubbornness.
STUBBORN v. to be stubborn, persist.
SUBORNERSsuborners n. Plural of suborner.
SUBORNER n. one who suborns.
SUBORNINGsuborning v. Present participle of suborn.
suborning n. The act of one who suborns.
SUBORN v. to induce to commit perjury.
WINDBORNEwindborne adj. Carried by the wind.
wind-borne adj. Alternative form of windborne.
WINDBORNE adj. carried on the wind e.g. of seeds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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