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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing BINI

ALBINISMSalbinisms n. Plural of albinism.
ALBINISM n. the condition of being an albino.
CARBINIERcarbinier n. Alternative form of carabineer.
CARBINIER n. a soldier armed with a carbine, also CARABINEER, CARABINIER, CARBINEER.
COMBININGcombining v. Present participle of combine.
combining n. The act by which things are combined or brought together.
COMBINING n. the act of combining.
DUBBININGdubbining v. Present participle of dubbin.
DUBBIN v. to apply a preparation of grease to leather.
RABBINICSRABBINICS n. the study of rabbinic literature of the post-Talmudic period.
RABBINISMRabbinism n. (Dated) Rabbinic Judaism.
Rabbinism n. A characteristically rabbinical word or phrase.
RABBINISM n. a rabbinic expression or phraseology; a peculiarity of the language of the rabbins.
RABBINISTrabbinist n. (Judaism) One who adheres to the Talmud and traditions of the rabbis.
RABBINIST n. a person who adheres to the Talmud and traditions of the rabbis, also RABBINITE.
RABBINITErabbinite n. (Judaism) Synonym of rabbinist.
RABBINITE n. a person who adheres to the Talmud and traditions of the rabbis, also RABBINIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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