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There are 17 eight-letter words containing BURS

AIRBURSTairburst n. The explosion of a bomb (or similar weapon) or large meteorite in the air rather than on the ground.
airburst v. To explode in this manner.
air-burst n. Alternative spelling of airburst.
BURSEEDSburseeds n. Plural of burseed.
BURSEED n. a coarse weed.
BURSICONbursicon n. (Biochemistry) A heterodimeric protein that is an insect hormone which mediates tanning in the cuticle of adult flies.
BURSICON n. a hormone produced by the insect brain that regulates processes associated with ecdysis.
BURSITISbursitis n. (Medicine) An inflammation of a bursa, most common in the shoulder, elbow or knee.
BURSITIS n. inflammation of a bursa, one of the synovial sacs.
BURSTERSbursters n. Plural of burster.
BURSTER n. a machine for separating continuous stationery into its constituent sheets.
BURSTIERburstier adj. Comparative form of bursty: more bursty.
BURSTY adj. occurring in short sudden episodes or bursts.
BURSTINGbursting adj. Very eager (to do something).
bursting adj. (Often followed by "to go to...") Urgently needing to urinate.
bursting adj. So full (with something) as almost to erupt.
BURSTONEburstone n. Alternative spelling of burrstone.
BURSTONE n. a cellular, flinty rock, used for millstones, also BUHR, BUHRSTONE, BURRSTONE.
CLOTBURSclotburs n. Plural of clotbur.
CLOTBUR n. the burdock, also COCKLEBUR.
DISBURSEdisburse v. (Finance) To pay out, expend; usually from a public fund or treasury.
DISBURSE v. to pay out.
IMBURSEDimbursed v. Simple past tense and past participle of imburse.
IMBURSE v. to put in a purse.
IMBURSESimburses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imburse.
IMBURSE v. to put in a purse.
INBURSTSinbursts n. Plural of inburst.
INBURST v. to burst into.
OUTBURSToutburst v. (Intransitive) To burst out.
outburst n. A sudden, often violent expression of emotion or activity.
OUTBURST v. to burst out.
SANDBURSsandburs n. Plural of sandbur.
SANDBUR n. an annual herb, also SANDBURR, SANDSPUR.
SUNBURSTsunburst n. (Countable) A figure or shape showing rays radiating from a central point.
sunburst n. (Countable) A strong outburst of sunlight.
sunburst n. (Uncountable) A style of finish for musical instruments such as guitars, having an area of lighter color…
UPBURSTSupbursts n. Plural of upburst.
UPBURST v. to burst upwards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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