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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing BORD

ABORDINGabording v. Present participle of abord.
ABORD v. (archaic) to accost, approach.
BORDEAUXbordeaux n. Alternative letter-case form of Bordeaux (“fungicide; wine”).
Bordeaux prop.n. The capital city of the Gironde department, France; capital city of the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Bordeaux n. A wine coming from that area.
BORDELLObordello n. A brothel.
BORDELLO n. (Italian) a brothel, also BORDEL.
BORDEREDbordered v. Simple past tense and past participle of border.
BORDER v. to be adjacent to.
BORDERERborderer n. A person who resides near a border.
borderer n. A soldier of a border regiment in the British Army (Border Regiment, South Wales Borderers, King’s Own…
BORDERER n. a person who lives or was born on the border of a country.
BORDURESbordures n. Plural of bordure.
BORDURE n. a border surrounding a heraldic shield.
EMBORDERemborder v. (Transitive) To furnish or adorn with a border.
EMBORDER v. to provide with a border, also IMBORDER.
IMBORDERimborder v. Obsolete form of emborder.
IMBORDER v. to provide with a border, also EMBORDER.
SUBORDERsuborder n. (Taxonomy) A taxonomic category below order and above infraorder.
SUBORDER n. a category of related families within an order.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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