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There are 17 eight-letter words containing BINE

ALBINESSalbiness n. (Archaic) A female albino.
ALBINESS n. (archaic) a female albino.
BEARBINEbearbine n. Hedge bindweed, bearbind (Calystegia sepium), certain bindweed found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
BEARBINE n. a bindweed.
BOBBINETbobbinet n. A net fabric, with hexagonal mesh, woven by machine.
BOBBINET n. a kind of cotton lace wrought by machines, and not by hand.
CABINETScabinets n. Plural of cabinet.
CABINET n. a piece of furniture with shelves and drawers.
CARABINEcarabine v. (Transitive, nautical or rock climbing) To attach via carabiner.
carabine n. (Military) A carbine.
CARABINE n. a rifle with a relatively short barrel, also CARABIN, CARBINE.
CARBINEScarbines n. Plural of carbine.
CARBINE n. a rifle with a relatively short barrel, also CARABIN, CARABINE.
COMBINEDcombined adj. Resulting from the addition of several sources, parts, elements, aspects, etc. united together.
combined v. Simple past tense and past participle of combine.
combined n. (Skiing) Ellipsis of alpine combined.. An event in alpine skiing consisting of one run of downhill and…
COMBINERcombiner n. A person who or a thing that combines.
COMBINER n. one who, or that which, combines.
COMBINEScombines n. Plural of combine.
combines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of combine.
COMBINE v. to join, mix.
DUBBINEDdubbined v. Simple past tense and past participle of dubbin.
DUBBIN v. to apply a preparation of grease to leather.
HOPBINEShopbines n. Plural of hopbine.
HOPBINE n. the stalk of the hop, also HOPBIND.
STIBINESstibines n. Plural of stibine.
STIBINE n. antimony hydride, a poisonous gas.
TABBINETtabbinet n. Archaic form of tabinet.
TABBINET n. a fabric like poplin, with a watered surface, also TABINET.
TABINETStabinets n. Plural of tabinet.
TABINET n. a delicate material, also TABBINET.
TURBINEDturbined adj. (In combination) Having a specified kind or number of turbines.
TURBINED adj. driven by a turbine.
TURBINESturbines n. Plural of turbine.
TURBINE n. a type of engine, also TURBO.
WOODBINEwoodbine n. Any of several climbing vines, especially the honeysuckle and the Virginia creeper.
Woodbine prop.n. A British brand of unfiltered cigarette, now made in Ireland.
Woodbine prop.n. A small city, the county seat of Camden County, Georgia, United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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