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There are 12 eight-letter words containing BANG

BANGALAYBANGALAY n. (Native Australian) an Australian myrtaceous tree with hard red wood.
BANGALOWbangalow n. Bangalow palm.
BANGALOW n. (Native Australian) an Australian palm-tree.
BANGKOKSbangkoks n. Plural of bangkok.
BANGKOK n. a straw hat.
BANGSTERbangster n. (Archaic, Scotland) A violent, overbearing man; a ruffian, bully or braggart.
bangster n. (Archaic, Scotland) A victor.
BANGSTER n. (Scots) a violent person.
BANGTAILbangtail n. The tail of a horse or cow, allowed to grow out and then trimmed horizontally so as to form a tassel;…
bangtail n. (US) A racehorse.
bangtail n. (Slang) A prostitute.
GANGBANGgangbang n. (Vulgar) Sexual intercourse involving more than two persons, especially with a high proportion of men.
gangbang n. (Vulgar) Gang rape.
gangbang n. (US, slang) The act of a street gang attacking random people on the streets and/or committing gang crimes.
HEADBANGheadbang v. To engage in headbanging, the vigorous movement of the head in time to music.
head␣bang n. Alternative form of headbang.
HEADBANG v. to nod one's head violently to the beat of loud music.
JINGBANGjingbang n. (Chiefly Scotland, colloquial) A thing, a lot, a shebang.
jing-bang n. Alternative spelling of jingbang.
JINGBANG n. (colloquial) company, collection.
LUMBANGSlumbangs n. Plural of lumbang.
LUMBANG n. (Tagalog) the candlenut tree.
PROBANGSprobangs n. Plural of probang.
PROBANG n. a long flexible rod with a sponge on the end used to remove foreign bodies from the larynx or the esophagus.
SHEBANGSshebangs n. Plural of shebang.
SHEBANG n. a situation, organization, or matter.
WHIZBANGwhizbang n. (Dated) A type of firework that made a whiz before exploding.
whizbang n. (Dated) A small artillery shell.
whizbang n. (By extension) Someone or something that holds an explosive amount of success, skill or effectiveness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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