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There are 7 seven-letter words containing BOMB

BOMBARDbombard n. A medieval primitive cannon, used chiefly in sieges for throwing heavy stone balls.
bombard n. (Obsolete) a bassoon-like medieval instrument.
bombard n. (Obsolete) a large liquor container made of leather, in the form of a jug or a bottle.
BOMBASTbombast n. (Archaic) Cotton, or cotton wool.
bombast n. (Archaic) Cotton, or any soft, fibrous material, used as stuffing for garments; stuffing, padding.
bombast n. (Figurative) High-sounding words; language above the dignity of the occasion; a pompous or ostentatious…
BOMBERSbombers n. Plural of bomber.
BOMBER n. an aeroplane that carries bombs.
BOMBINGbombing n. The action of dropping bombs from the air.
bombing n. The action of placing and detonating bombs.
bombing v. Present participle of bomb.
BOMBLETbomblet n. A small or subsidiary bomb, such as one of those released by a cluster bomb.
BOMBLET n. a small bomb.
BOMBORAbombora n. (Australia) A shallow isolated piece of reef located a distance offshore.
BOMBORA n. (Native Australian) a submerged reef.
CABOMBACabomba prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cabombaceae – fanwort.
CABOMBA n. (Spanish) a small genus of aquatic plants, known commonly as fanwort.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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