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There are 10 six-letter words containing BLOW

BLOWBYblowby n. Alternative spelling of blow-by.
blow-by n. (Automotive) In an internal combustion engine, any burnt or unburnt matter escaping from the cylinder…
BLOWBY n. leakage of exhaust fumes.
BLOWEDblowed v. (Dialect) simple past tense and past participle of blow.
BLOW v. to propel by a current of air.
BLOWERblower n. A person who blows.
blower n. Any device that blows.
blower n. (Slang, chiefly Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, usually preceded by the) Telephone.
BLOWIEblowie n. (Sex, slang) A blow job.
blowie n. (Australia, slang) A blowfly, Lucilia cuprina.
blowie n. (Australia, slang) The common toadfish, Tetractenos hamiltoni.
BLOWSEblowse n. (Obsolete) A ruddy, fat-faced woman; a wench.
BLOWSE n. a ruddy, fat-faced woman, also BLOWZE.
BLOWSYblowsy adj. Having a reddish, coarse complexion, especially with a pudgy face.
blowsy adj. (Chiefly of a woman’s hair or dress) Slovenly or unkempt, in the manner of a beggar or slattern.
blowsy adj. Unrefined, countrified.
BLOWUPblowup n. An explosion, or violent outburst.
blowup n. (Photography) An enlargement.
blow-up adj. Inflatable; able to be blown up.
BLOWZEblowze n. (Obsolete) A ruddy, fat-faced woman; a wench.
BLOWZE n. a ruddy, fat-faced woman, also BLOWSE.
BLOWZYblowzy adj. Alternative spelling of blowsy.
BLOWZY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOUSY, BLOWSY.
UPBLOWupblow v. (Transitive, archaic) To inflate.
upblow v. (Transitive, archaic) To explode, blow up.
upblow v. (Transitive, intransitive, archaic) To blow in an upward direction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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