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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing BALL

ANTIBALLISTICantiballistic adj. (Military, of a missile, or system) designed to detect, intercept, and destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
ANTIBALLISTIC adj. of a missile, etc., designed to destroy a ballistic missile.
BALLADMONGERSballadmongers n. Plural of balladmonger.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
BALLANWRASSESBALLANWRASSE n. a species of wrasse, also BALLAN.
BALLETOMANIASBALLETOMANIA n. an abnormal fondness for ballet.
BALLHANDLINGSBALLHANDLING n. the art of handling a ball.
BALLISTICALLYballistically adv. In a ballistic manner.
ballistically adv. With regard to ballistics.
BALLISTIC adv. relating to projectiles.
BALLISTOSPOREballistospore n. (Mycology) A spore that is ejected or shot off.
BALLISTOSPORE n. a spore, esp. a fungal spore, that is forcefully ejected from its source.
BALLOTTEMENTSballottements n. Plural of ballottement.
BALLOTTEMENT n. a technique of feeling for a movable object in the body, esp. confirmation of pregnancy by feeling the rebound of the fetus following a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus.
BASKETBALLERSbasketballers n. Plural of basketballer.
BLACKBALLINGSblackballings n. Plural of blackballing.
BLACKBALLING n. the act of voting against someone becoming member of a club.
CANNONBALLINGcannonballing v. Present participle of cannonball.
CANNONBALL v. to go like a cannonball.
KNUCKLEBALLERknuckleballer n. (Baseball) A baseball pitcher known for throwing knuckleballs.
KNUCKLEBALLER n. a player who delivers knuckleballs.
PAINTBALLINGSPAINTBALLING n. a game in which teams of players simulate a military skirmish, shooting each other with paint pellets that explode on impact, marking the players who have been shot.
PYROBALLOGIESPYROBALLOGY n. the study of artillery.
SPEEDBALLINGSSPEEDBALLING n. the practice of taking cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.
SUBALLOCATINGsuballocating v. Present participle of suballocate.
SUBALLOCATIONsuballocation n. A secondary or subsidiary allocation; a further allocation of part of something previously allocated.
SUBALLOCATION n. a subdivision of an allocation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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