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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing BLIS

BLISTERIESTBLISTERY adj. having blisters.
COPUBLISHEDcopublished v. Simple past tense and past participle of copublish.
co-published v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-publish.
COPUBLISH v. to publish in collaboration with someone else.
COPUBLISHERcopublisher n. A joint publisher; one of several publishers releasing a publication together.
COPUBLISHER n. a joint publisher.
COPUBLISHEScopublishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of copublish.
co-publishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of co-publish.
COPUBLISH v. to publish in collaboration with someone else.
ESTABLISHEDestablished v. Simple past tense and past participle of establish.
established adj. Having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.
established adj. Of a religion, church etc.: formally recognized by a state as being official within that area.
ESTABLISHERestablisher n. A person who establishes something.
ESTABLISHER n. one who establishes.
ESTABLISHESestablishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of establish.
ESTABLISH v. to settle or fix, also STABLISH.
MISERABLISMmiserablism n. Alternative form of miserabilism.
MISERABLISM n. the quality of seeming to enjoy being depressed by gloomy art or music, also MISERABILISM.
MISERABLISTmiserablist n. Alternative spelling of miserabilist.
MISERABLIST n. a person who appears to enjoy being depressed, esp. a performer of or listener to gloomy music.
PUBLISHABLEpublishable adj. Able to be published.
publishable adj. Deserving to be published; worthy of publication.
PUBLISHABLE adj. that can be published.
PUBLISHINGSpublishings n. Plural of publishing.
PUBLISHING n. the business of printing and issuing to the public.
PUBLISHMENTpublishment n. The act or process of making publicly known; publication.
publishment n. (US) A public notice of intended marriage, required by the laws of some states.
PUBLISHMENT n. publication.
REESTABLISHreestablish v. (Transitive) To establish again.
reestablish v. (Transitive) To restore to a previously operational state. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
reëstablish v. Alternative spelling of reestablish.
REPUBLISHEDrepublished v. Past participle of republish.
REPUBLISH v. to publish again.
REPUBLISHERrepublisher n. Agent noun of republish; one who republishes.
REPUBLISHER n. one who republishes.
REPUBLISHESrepublishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of republish.
REPUBLISH v. to publish again.
STABLISHINGstablishing v. Present participle of stablish.
STABLISH v. (archaic) to establish.
TURNTABLISTturntablist n. (Music) A DJ who uses a combination of turntables as a musical instrument.
TURNTABLIST n. a DJ who is skilled in using turntables to obtain distinctive effects from records.
UNPUBLISHEDunpublished adj. Not published.
UNPUBLISHED adj. not published.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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