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There are 18 ten-letter words containing BATT

BATTAILOUSbattailous adj. (Obsolete) Warlike, battle-ready.
BATTAILOUS adj. (Spenser) warlike.
BATTALIONSbattalions n. Plural of battalion.
BATTALION n. a body of soldiers consisting of several companies.
BATTEILANTBATTEILANT adj. (Spenser) combatant.
BATTELLINGbattelling v. Present participle of battel.
BATTEL v. to have an account for kitchen provisions.
BATTEMENTSbattements n. Plural of battement.
BATTEMENT n. (French) a movement in ballet, in which one leg is extended to the rear, side and front.
BATTENINGSbattenings n. Plural of battening.
BATTENING n. battens forming a structure.
BATTERINGSbatterings n. Plural of battering.
BATTERING n. a beating involving repeated blows.
BATTILLINGBATTILL v. to make fertile, also BATTEL, BATTLE.
BATTLEAXESbattleaxes n. Plural of battleaxe.
battle-axes n. Plural of battle-ax.
battle␣axes n. Plural of battle axe.
BATTLEDOORbattledoor n. Alternative form of battledore.
BATTLEDOOR n. (obsolete) a light bat for striking a shuttlecock, also BATTLEDORE.
BATTLEDOREbattledore n. A game played with a shuttlecock and rackets (properly battledore and shuttlecock); a forerunner of badminton.
battledore n. The racket used in this game.
battledore n. (Obsolete) A child’s hornbook for learning the alphabet.
BATTLEMENTbattlement n. In fortification: an indented parapet, formed by a series of rising members called cops or merlons…
battlement n. Any high wall for defense.
battlement n. (Poetic) The towering roof of heaven.
BATTLESHIPbattleship n. (Military, nautical) A large capital warship displacing thousands to tens of thousands of tons, heavily…
battleship n. (Military, nautical, archaic) A ship of the line.
battleship n. A non-functional rocket stage, used for configuration and integration tests.
COMBATTINGcombatting v. Present participle of combat.
COMBAT v. to fight against.
EMBATTLINGembattling v. Present participle of embattle.
EMBATTLE v. to fortify against attack.
RABATTINGSRABATTING n. rotation in coincidence with another plane.
RIBATTUTASribattutas n. Plural of ribattuta.
RIBATTUTA n. (Italian) the slow beginning of a trill.
UNBATTEREDunbattered adj. Not battered or beaten.
unbattered adj. Not cooked in batter.
UNBATTERED adj. not battered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 80 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 231 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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