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There are 13 ten-letter words containing BAST

ALABASTERSalabasters n. Plural of alabaster.
ALABASTER n. a soft, semitransparent gypsum.
BANDOBASTSbandobasts n. Plural of bandobast.
BANDOBAST n. (Urdu) an organisation, also BANDOBUST, BUNDOBUST.
BARBASTELSbarbastels n. Plural of barbastel.
BARBASTEL n. (French) a long-eared species of bat with hairy lips, also BARBASTELLE.
BASTARDIESbastardies n. Plural of bastardy.
BASTARDY n. the state of being a bastard.
BASTARDISEbastardise v. Non-Oxford standard spelling of bastardize.
BASTARDISE v. to make a bastard of, also BASTARDIZE.
BASTARDISMbastardism n. The condition of being born out of wedlock; bastardy.
BASTARDISM n. the state of being a bastard; bastardy.
BASTARDIZEbastardize v. To claim or demonstrate that someone is a bastard, or illegitimate.
bastardize v. To reduce from a higher to a lower state, such as by removing refined elements or introducing debased…
bastardize v. To beget out of wedlock.
BASTINADEDbastinaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of bastinade.
BASTINADE v. (French) to beat with a stick or baton, esp. on the feet, also BASTINADO.
BASTINADESbastinades n. Plural of bastinade.
bastinades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bastinade.
BASTINADE v. (French) to beat with a stick or baton, esp. on the feet, also BASTINADO.
BASTNASITEbastnasite n. Alternative form of bastnaesite.
bastnäsite n. Alternative form of bastnaesite.
BASTNASITE n. (Swedish) a reddish-brown fluorite of cerium, also BASTNAESITE.
BOMBASTERSBOMBASTER n. one who speaks bombast.
BOMBASTINGbombasting v. Present participle of bombast.
BOMBAST v. to stuff or pad with cotton wool or the like.
LAMBASTINGlambasting v. Present participle of lambast.
lambasting v. Present participle of lambaste.
lambasting n. A harsh reprimand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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