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There are 15 ten-letter words containing BARO

BAROCEPTORbaroceptor n. Baroreceptor.
BAROCEPTOR n. a sensory receptor sensitive to a pressure stimulus.
BAROGNOSESBAROGNOSIS n. the ability to judge weight.
BAROGNOSISbarognosis n. (Medicine) The ability to evaluate the weight of objects, or to differentiate objects of different weights…
BAROGNOSIS n. the ability to judge weight.
BAROGRAPHSbarographs n. Plural of barograph.
BAROGRAPH n. a recording barometer.
BAROMETERSbarometers n. Plural of barometer.
BAROMETER n. an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
BAROMETRICbarometric adj. Of or pertaining to atmospheric pressure.
barometric adj. Made or done with a barometer.
BAROMETRIC adj. as measured by a barometer, also BAROMETRICAL.
BAROMETZESbarometzes n. Plural of barometz.
BAROMETZ n. (Russian) a fabulous Russian creature, half plant and half sheep.
BARONESSESbaronesses n. Plural of baroness.
BARONESS n. the wife of a baron.
BARONETAGEbaronetage n. Baronets collectively.
baronetage n. The rank of a baronet.
BARONETAGE n. the title of baronet.
BARONETESSbaronetess n. The wife of a baronet.
baronetess n. A woman holding the rank of a baronet in her own right.
BARONETESS n. a female baronet.
BAROPHILESbarophiles n. Plural of barophile.
BAROPHILE n. a bacterium able to tolerate high atmospheric pressure.
BAROPHILICbarophilic adj. Of or relating to a barophile.
barophilic adj. Thriving under high barometric pressure.
BAROPHILIC adj. of bacteria, able to tolerate or growing best in conditions of high atmospheric pressure, also BAROPHILE.
BAROSCOPESbaroscopes n. Plural of baroscope.
BAROSCOPE n. a weatherglass.
BAROSCOPICbaroscopic adj. Relating to, or determined by, the baroscope.
BAROSCOPIC adj. relating to a baroscope, a weatherglass.
BAROTRAUMAbarotrauma n. (Pathology) Damage to body tissue caused by a difference in pressure between an air space in or near…
BAROTRAUMA n. injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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