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There are 13 eight-letter words containing BUB

BUBALINEbubaline adj. (Zoology) Resembling or pertaining to a buffalo.
BUBALINE adj. pertaining to the bubal.
BUBBLERSbubblers n. Plural of bubbler.
BUBBLER n. (tradename) a kind of drinking fountain.
BUBBLIERbubblier adj. Comparative form of bubbly: more bubbly.
BUBBLY adj. full of bubbles.
BUBBLIESbubblies n. Plural of bubbly.
BUBBLY n. champagne.
BUBBLINGbubbling v. Present participle of bubble.
bubbling n. The action or motion of something that bubbles.
BUBBLE v. to form a globule of liquid blown out with gas.
BUBINGASbubingas n. Plural of bubinga.
BUBINGA n. (Bantu) a species of West African tree.
BUBUKLESbubukles n. Plural of bubukle.
BUBUKLE n. (Shakespeare) Fluellen's word for a red pimple.
HUBBUBOOhubbuboo n. (Ireland, archaic) A hubbub; a noisy disturbance.
HUBBUBOO n. a confused sound of many voices, also HUBBUB, WHOOBUB.
LULIBUBSLULIBUB n. (archaic) a piece of candy on the end of a stick, also LOLLIPOP, LOLLYPOP.
SILLABUBsillabub n. Alternative spelling of syllabub.
SILLABUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLIBUB, SYLLABUB.
SILLIBUBsillibub n. Obsolete form of syllabub.
SILLIBUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLABUB, SYLLABUB.
SYLLABUBsyllabub n. A drink dating back to the 16th century consisting primarily of milk curdled with an alcoholic beverage…
syllabub n. Also everlasting syllabub or solid syllabub: a dessert pudding derived from the drink.
syllabub n. (Dated, figuratively) Something lacking substance; something frothy, insubstantial, or lightweight.
WHOOBUBSWHOOBUB n. (obsolete) a confused sound of many voices, also HUBBUB, HUBBUBOO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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