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There are 12 seven-letter words containing BIZ

ALBIZIAalbizia n. A plant of the genus Albizia; a siris or silk tree.
Albizia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – tropical and subtropical trees and shrubs called silk…
ALBIZIA n. any of a genus of subtropical and tropical trees and shrubs in the mimosa subfamily, also ALBIZZIA.
ARABIZEArabize v. (Transitive) To make Arab; to give Arab traits to.
ARABIZE v. to adopt Arab customs, also ARABISE.
BIZARREbizarre adj. Strangely unconventional; highly unusual and different from common experience, often in an extravagant…
BIZARRE adj. strange.
BIZARRE n. a strangely striped flower.
BIZARRObizarro adj. (Colloquial) Alternative form of bizarre.
bizarro adj. (Informal, humorous) Being the opposite or logical inverse of a familiar person, place, or situation.
bizarro adj. (Literature) Pertaining to bizarro fiction.
BIZJETSbizjets n. Plural of bizjet.
BIZJET n. a small airplane used for business.
BIZNAGAbiznaga n. Alternative form of bisnaga (“plant of celery family”).
BIZNAGA n. a type of cactus, also BISNAGA.
BIZONALbizonal adj. Having or involving two zones.
BIZONAL adj. pertaining to a zone.
BIZONESBIZONE n. a country formed of two zones.
BIZZAZZbizzazz n. Alternative form of pizzazz.
BIZZAZZ n. panache.
BIZZIESbizzies n. Plural of bizzie.
BIZZY n. a policeman.
IMBIZOSimbizos n. Plural of imbizo.
IMBIZO n. (Zulu) a gathering of people at the request of a chieftain.
SHOWBIZshowbiz n. Short for showbusiness.
show␣biz n. Alternative spelling of showbiz.
SHOWBIZ n. (short for) show business.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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