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There are 13 seven-letter words containing BEI

BEIGELSbeigels n. Plural of beigel.
BEIGEL n. (Yiddish) a hard, leavened, ring-shaped roll, also BAGEL.
BEIGESTbeigest adj. Superlative form of beige: most beige.
BEIGE adj. greyish buff with a hint of pink.
BEIGIERBEIGY adj. relating to the color beige.
BEIGNESBEIGNE n. a fritter, a deep-fried ball of choux pastry, also BEIGNET.
BEIGNETbeignet n. (UK) A fritter (with a fruit or vegetable filling).
beignet n. (US) A Louisiana-style fried doughnut or fritter covered in powdered sugar.
BEIGNET n. (French) a fritter, a deep-fried ball of choux pastry, also BEIGNE.
BEININGbeining v. Present participle of bein.
BEIN v. to fill.
BEINKEDbeinked adj. Covered in ink.
BEINKED adj. smeared with ink.
CORBEILcorbeil n. A decorative basket for the display of flowers or fruits.
corbeil n. (Military) A basket filled with earth and set up as a protection from the fire of the enemy.
Corbeil prop.n. A surname.
HOWBEIThowbeit conj. (Archaic) Although.
howbeit adv. (Archaic) Be that as it may; nevertheless.
HOWBEIT conj. notwithstanding.
INBEINGinbeing n. The fact or state of being in; existence in something else.
inbeing n. Inherence; inherent existence; indwelling; immanence.
inbeing n. Inward or essential nature; that which a thing is in itself.
OBEISMSOBEISM n. a form of West Indian witchcraft, also OBEAHISM, OBIISM.
SABEINGSABE v. to know, to understand, also SAVEY, SAVVEY, SAVVY.
UNBEINGunbeing n. (Uncountable) Nonexistence.
unbeing n. (Countable) A nonbeing; an entity of no existence or significance.
unbeing adj. (Obsolete) Not in existence, nonexistent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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