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There are 15 seven-letter words containing BAH

BAHADASbahadas n. Plural of bahada.
BAHADA n. (Spanish) a broad, sloping depositional deposit caused by the coalescing of alluvial fans, also BAJADA.
BAHADURbahadur n. (Originally) A warrior, especially a Mongol.
bahadur n. (India, historical) A Mughal honorific connoting martial courage and valor, suffixed to name or title…
Bahadur prop.n. A surname from Hindi.
CASBAHScasbahs n. Plural of casbah.
CASBAH n. (Arabic) the old section of a North African city, also KASBAH.
DJIBBAHdjibbah n. Alternative form of jubbah.
DJIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
GOOMBAHgoombah n. (US, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) A person of Italian descent (often implies the person is connected…
goombah n. (US, slang) A companion, pal, close friend, or associate, especially among Italian-American men. It…
goombah n. Alternative form of gumbe, a Jamaican drum.
GUBBAHSGUBBAH n. (Native Australian) a white man, also GUB.
JIBBAHSjibbahs n. Plural of jibbah.
JIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JUBBAHSjubbahs n. Plural of jubbah.
JUBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBHAH.
KASBAHSkasbahs n. Plural of kasbah.
KASBAH n. (Arabic) the old section of a North African city, also CASBAH.
KETUBAHketubah n. A traditional Jewish marriage contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom in…
KETUBAH n. (Hebrew) a contract that states the obligations in Jewish marriages.
KHOTBAHkhotbah n. Alternative spelling of khutbah.
KHOTBAH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBEH, KHUTBAH.
KHUTBAHkhutbah n. (Islam) A talk or sermon delivered in mosques before the Friday prayer, or at other special occasions.
KHUTBAH n. (Arabic) an address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, also KHOTBAH, KHOTBEH.
POOBAHSpoobahs n. Plural of poobah.
poo-bahs n. Plural of poo-bah.
Poo-Bahs n. Plural of Poo-Bah.
SAHIBAHsahibah n. (India, archaic) A lady; a mistress; a female superior (used as a term of respect).
SAHIBAH n. (Hindi) a lady sahib, also SAHIBA.
SHIBAHSshibahs n. Plural of shibah.
SHIBAH n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a period of seven days' mourning observed after a family member's funeral, also SHIVA, SHIVAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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