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There are 19 six-letter words containing BLI

ABLINGabling v. Present participle of able.
ABLE v. (obsolete) to enable.
ABLINSABLINS adv. (dialect) perhaps, also ABLINGS, AIBLINS.
BLIGHTblight n. (Phytopathology) A rapid and complete chlorosis, browning, then death of plant tissues such as leaves…
blight n. The bacterium, virus or fungus that causes such a condition.
blight n. (By extension) Anything that impedes growth or development or spoils any other aspect of life.
BLIMEYblimey interj. (Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Ireland) Used to express anger, excitement, surprise, etc.
BLIMEY interj. an interjection expressing surprise and annoyance, also BLIMY.
BLIMPSblimps n. Plural of blimp.
blimps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blimp.
Blimps n. Plural of Blimp.
BLINDSblinds n. Plural of blind.
blinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blind.
Blinds prop.n. Plural of Blind.
BLINGSBLING v. to adopt a flamboyant appearance.
BLINGYblingy adj. (Slang) shiny, glittery.
BLINGY adj. bling, flashy.
BLINISblinis n. Plural of blini.
BLINI n. a small buckwheat pancake, also BLIN, BLINTZ, BLINTZE.
BLINKSblinks n. Montia fontana, a herbaceous annual plant in the family Montiaceae, formerly included in the purslane…
blinks n. Plural of blink.
blinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blink.
BLINTZblintz n. A thin blin (pancake), filled (often with sweet cheese) and folded, then fried and often served with…
BLINTZ n. (Yiddish) a thin filled pancake, also BLIN, BLINI, BLINTZE.
BLITESblites n. Plural of blite.
BLITE n. a genus of herbs of the goosefoot family.
BLITHEblithe adj. Casually careless or indifferent; showing a lack of concern.
blithe adj. (Chiefly Scotland, elsewhere dated or literary) Cheerful, happy.
Blithe prop.n. A river in Staffordshire, England, which joins the River Trent.
EMBLICemblic n. The fruit of Emblica officinalis (now Phyllanthus emblica, the Indian gooseberry, once used as a remedy…
EMBLIC n. (Arabic) a tree of the euphorbia family, native to tropical Asia.
GHIBLIghibli n. (Libya) sirocco.
GHIBLI n. (Arabic) the name in Libya of the scirocco, a hot, dry, dusty wind, also GIBLI.
GIBLISgiblis n. Plural of gibli.
GIBLI n. (Arabic) the name in Libya of the scirocco, a hot, dry, dusty wind, also GHIBLI.
GOBLINgoblin n. One of various hostile supernatural creatures, now especially (fantasy literature) a malevolent and…
GOBLin prop.n. (Britain, rail transport, informal) Acronym of Gospel Oak to Barking Line, a railway line in north London.
GOBLIN n. an unpleasant or mischievous sprite in the form of an old man, also GOBBELINE.
OBLIGEoblige v. (Transitive) To constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means.
oblige v. (Transitive, intransitive) To do (someone) a service or favour (hence, originally, creating an obligation).
oblige v. (Intransitive) To be indebted to someone.
PUBLICpublic adj. Able to be seen or known by everyone; open to general view, happening without concealment.
public adj. Pertaining to the people as a whole (as opposed to a private group); concerning the whole country, community etc.
public adj. Officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the state on behalf of the community.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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