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There are 14 five-letter words containing BOL

BOBOLbobol n. (Caribbean) organized fraud; corruption.
BOBOL v. to commit a type of fraud carried out by one with access to public funds.
BOLARbolar adj. Of or relating to bole or clay; partaking of the nature and qualities of bole; clayey.
Bolar prop.n. A surname.
BOLAR adj. pertaining to a fine clay.
BOLASbolas n. A throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, designed to capture animals by…
bolas n. A sticky thread whirled around by certain spiders to catch prey.
BOLAS n. (Spanish) a South American missile, consisting of two or more balls tied together, also BOLA.
BOLDSbolds n. Plural of bold.
bolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bold.
Bolds prop.n. Plural of Bold.
BOLESboles n. Plural of bole.
Boles prop.n. A surname.
Boles prop.n. An unincorporated community in Scott County, Arkansas, United States.
BOLIXbolix v. (US) Alternative spelling of bollix.
BOLIX v. to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BALLOCKS, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
BOLLSbolls n. Plural of boll.
BOLL v. to form pods.
BOLOSbolos n. Plural of bolo.
Bolos prop.n. An ancient town in Turkey.
BOLOs n. Plural of BOLO.
BOLTSbolts n. Plural of bolt.
bolts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bolt.
BOLTS n. (Mnemonic) Acronym used to remember the essential features of a map: Border, orientation (north arrow)…
BOLUSbolus n. A round mass of something, especially of chewed food in the mouth or alimentary canal.
bolus n. A single, large dose of a drug, especially one in that form.
bolus v. (Transitive) To administer (a drug) in bolus dosing, that is, dosing in (one or more) boluses.
CIBOLcibol n. (Obsolete) A perennial onion plant, Allium fistulosum, commonly called Welsh onion.
CIBOL n. a variety of onion, aka spring onion, also CHIBOL, CIBOULE, SYBO, SYBOE, SYBOW.
OBOLEobole n. (Historical) An obsolete French coin.
OBOLE n. (French) a medieval French coin.
OBOLIoboli n. Plural of obolus.
OBOLUS n. (Latin) in the Middle Ages, various small coins including a halfpenny, also OBOL.
OBOLSobols n. Plural of obol.
OBOL n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin, also OBOLUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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