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There are 6 five-letter words containing BOD

ABODEabode n. (Obsolete) Act of waiting; delay.
abode n. (Dated or law) Stay or continuance in a place; sojourn.
abode n. (Formal) A residence, dwelling or habitation.
BODEDboded v. Simple past tense and past participle of bode.
BODE v. to foretell, be an omen of.
BODESbodes n. Plural of bode.
bodes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bode.
BODE v. to foretell, be an omen of.
BODGEbodge v. (Britain, Ireland) To do a clumsy or inelegant job, usually as a temporary repair; mend, patch up, repair.
bodge v. To work green wood using traditional country methods; to perform the craft of a bodger.
bodge n. A clumsy or inelegant job, usually a temporary repair; a patch, a repair.
BODHIbodhi n. (Buddhism) The state of enlightenment that finally ends the cycle of death and rebirth and leads to nirvana.
Bodhi prop.n. A male given name from Sanskrit.
BODHI n. in Buddhism, enlightenment.
BODLEbodle n. (Historical) A former Scottish copper coin of less value than a bawbee, worth about one-sixth of an English penny.
Bodle prop.n. A surname from Old English.
BODLE n. (Scots) a former Scottish coin, also BODDLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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