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There are 12 five-letter words containing BAC

ABACAabaca n. Musa textilis, a species of banana tree native to the Philippines grown for its textile, rope- and papermaking fibre.
abaca n. (Uncountable) The fiber of this plant, used in rope, fibers, and cloth.
ABACA n. (Tagalog) a Philippine plant, also ABAKA.
ABACIabaci n. Plural of abacus.
ABACUS n. (Latin) a counting frame using beads.
ABACKaback adv. (Archaic) Towards the back or rear; backwards.
aback adv. (Archaic) In the rear; a distance behind.
aback adv. By surprise; startled; dumbfounded. (see usage)
ABACSabacs n. Plural of abac.
ABAC n. a nomogram, a chart or diagram of scaled lines or curves used to assist in mathematical calculations.
BACCABACCA n. (Latin) a botanical name for a berry.
BACCO'bacco n. (Slang) tobacco.
BACCO n. (short for) tobacco, also BACCY.
BACCYbaccy n. (Slang) Tobacco.
BACCY n. (colloquial) tobacco, also BACCO.
BACHAbacha n. A dancing boy in parts of Central Asia.
Bacha prop.n. A surname.
BACHA n. (Hinglish) in India, a young child, also BACHCHA.
BACHSbachs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bach.
BACH n. a Welsh term of address.
BACKSbacks n. Plural of back.
backs n. (Cambridge University, with "the") The backyard of the University.
backs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of back.
BACONbacon n. Cured meat from the sides, belly, or back of a pig.
bacon n. Thin slices of the above in long strips.
bacon n. (Slang, derogatory) The police or spies.
BOBACbobac n. (Dated) The bobak marmot (Marmota bobak).
BOBAC n. (Polish) a type of marmot, also BOBAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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