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List of 4-letter words containing

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There are 5 four-letter words containing BLO

BLOBblob n. A shapeless or amorphous mass; a vague shape or amount, especially of a liquid or semisolid substance;…
blob n. (Astronomy) A large cloud of gas.
blob n. (Dialect) A bubble; a bleb.
BLOCbloc n. A group of voters or politicians who share common goals.
bloc n. A group of countries acting together for political or economic goals, an alliance: e.g., the eastern…
Bloc prop.n. (Canada, politics) Bloc Québécois.
BLOGblog n. (Internet) A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the…
blog n. (Internet) An individual post to a blog.
blog v. (Blogging, transitive, intransitive) To contribute to a blog.
BLOTblot n. A blemish, spot or stain made by a coloured substance.
blot n. (By extension) A stain on someone’s reputation or character; a disgrace.
blot n. (Biochemistry) A method of transferring proteins, DNA or RNA, onto a carrier.
BLOWblow v. (Intransitive) To produce an air current.
blow v. (Transitive) To propel by an air current (or, if under water, a water current), usually with the mouth.
blow v. (Intransitive) To be propelled by an air current.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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