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There are 6 four-letter words containing BEE

BEEFbeef n. (Uncountable) The meat from a cow, bull, or other bovine.
beef n. (Uncountable) Bovine animals.
beef n. (Now chiefly North American, countable, now uncommon, plural beeves) A bovine (cow or bull) being raised for its meat.
BEENbeen v. Past participle of be.
been v. (Southern US or AAVE) remote past form of be.
been v. (Southern US or AAVE, rare) Synonym of be (infinitival sense).
BEEPbeep n. The sound produced by the horn of a car, or any similar sound.
beep n. A short, electronically produced tone.
beep n. A message sent to a pager device.
BEERbeer n. (Uncountable) An alcoholic drink fermented from starch material, commonly barley malt, often with hops…
beer n. (Uncountable) A fermented extract of the roots and other parts of various plants, as spruce, ginger, sassafras, etc.
beer n. (Uncountable) A solution produced by steeping plant materials in water or another fluid.
BEESbees n. Plural of bee.
Bees n. Plural of Bee.
BEE n. a four-winged insect that makes honey.
BEETbeet n. Beta vulgaris, a plant with a swollen root which is eaten or used to make sugar.
beet n. (US, Canada) A beetroot, a swollen root of such a plant.
beet v. (Transitive, obsolete, dialect) To improve; to mend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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