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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing BIM

BIMETALLICSbimetallics n. Plural of bimetallic.
BIMETALLIC n. a bimetallic monetary system.
BIMETALLISMbimetallism n. (Economics) The use of a monetary standard based upon two different metals, traditionally gold and silver…
BIMETALLISM n. currency exchange on both the gold and silver standards.
BIMETALLISTbimetallist n. An advocate of bimetallism.
bimetallist adj. Advocating bimetallism.
BIMETALLIST n. a practitioner of bimetallism.
BIMILLENARYbimillenary adj. Relating to, or happening every two thousand years.
bimillenary n. A two-thousandth anniversary.
BIMILLENARY adj. happening every two thousand years.
BIMILLENNIABIMILLENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of two thousand years.
BIMOLECULARbimolecular adj. (Chemistry, of a reaction) involving two molecules.
bimolecular adj. Consisting of two layers of molecules.
bimolecular adj. (Chemistry) Relating to bimolecules.
BIMONTHLIESbimonthlies n. Plural of bimonthly.
BIMONTHLY n. a periodical that comes every other month.
BIMORPHEMICbimorphemic adj. Consisting of, or relating to, two morphemes.
bimorphemic adj. Relating to bimorphemes.
BIMORPHEMIC adj. consisting of two morphemes.
CARBIMAZOLEcarbimazole n. (Pharmacology) The prodrug of thiamazole, used to treat hyperthyroidism.
CARBIMAZOLE n. a drug that inhibits the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, used in the management of hyperthyroidism.
SUBIMAGINALsubimaginal adj. Relating to a subimago.
SUBIMAGINAL adj. relating to a subimago.
SUBIMAGINESsubimagines n. Plural of subimago.
SUBIMAGO n. a stage in the life of a mayfly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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