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There are 12 ten-letter words containing BTE

MISDOUBTEDmisdoubted v. Simple past tense and past participle of misdoubt.
MISDOUBT v. to be suspicious of.
OBTEMPEREDobtempered v. Simple past tense and past participle of obtemper.
OBTEMPER v. to yield obedience to, also OBTEMPERATE.
OBTENTIONSobtentions n. Plural of obtention.
OBTENTION n. the act of obtending.
SUBTENANCYsubtenancy n. (Property law) Synonym of sublease.
SUBTENANCY n. the state of being a subtenant, one who rents a tenement, or land, etc.
SUBTENANTSsubtenants n. Plural of subtenant.
subtenants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subtenant.
sub-tenants n. Plural of sub-tenant.
SUBTENDINGsubtending v. Present participle of subtend.
SUBTEND v. to extend under or opposite to.
SUBTENURESsubtenures n. Plural of subtenure.
SUBTENURE n. tenure held under somebody else's tenure.
SUBTERFUGEsubterfuge n. (Countable) An indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; a blind. Refers especially to war and diplomatics.
subterfuge n. (Uncountable) Deception; misrepresentation of the true nature of an activity.
SUBTERFUGE n. deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal or evade.
SUBTERRAINsubterrain n. (Geology) The bedrock or rock layer that lies beneath the soil and superficial features of an area.
subterrain n. A cave or underground room.
subterrain n. An underground region.
SUBTERRANEsubterrane n. A cave or underground room.
SUBTERRANE n. an underground chamber, room or dwelling, also SOUTERRAIN, SUBTERRAIN, SUBTERRENE.
SUBTERRENEsubterrene adj. Underground, subterranean.
subterrene n. (Rare) A machine for drilling or tunnelling underground.
SUBTERRENE n. an underground chamber, room or dwelling, also SOUTERRAIN, SUBTERRAIN, SUBTERRANE.
SUBTEXTUALsubtextual adj. Pertaining to subtext.
SUBTEXTUAL adj. relating to a subtext, an underlying theme in a literary work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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