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There are 16 ten-letter words containing BOI

BOILERSUITboilersuit n. Alternative spelling of boiler suit.
boiler␣suit n. A one-piece suit combining trousers and jacket, worn for heavy or hot manual labour.
BOILERSUIT n. a coverall.
BOISTEROUSboisterous adj. Full of energy; exuberant; noisy.
boisterous adj. Characterized by violence and agitation; wild; stormy.
boisterous adj. Having or resembling animal exuberance.
BOOBOISIESbooboisies n. Plural of booboisie.
BOOBOISIE n. boobs as a class; the general public regarded as consisting of boobies.
FRAMBOISESframboises n. Plural of framboise.
FRAMBOISE n. (French) a brandy distilled from raspberries in the Alsace-Lorraine region.
JUMBOISINGjumboising v. Present participle of jumboise.
JUMBOISE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOIZE.
JUMBOIZINGjumboizing v. Present participle of jumboize.
JUMBOIZE v. to enlarge a ship using prefabricated sections, also JUMBOISE.
OVERBOILEDoverboiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of overboil.
OVERBOIL v. to boil too long.
PARBOILINGparboiling v. Present participle of parboil.
parboiling n. The act by which something is parboiled.
PARBOIL v. to cook partially by boiling for a short time.
POTBOILERSpotboilers n. Plural of potboiler.
pot-boilers n. Plural of pot-boiler.
pot␣boilers n. Plural of pot boiler.
POTBOILINGpotboiling v. Present participle of potboil.
POTBOILING n. the act of producing an artistic work of poor quality.
POURBOIRESpourboires n. Plural of pourboire.
POURBOIRE n. (French) a tip, gratuity.
PREBOILINGpreboiling v. Present participle of preboil.
PREBOIL v. to boil beforehand.
RHOMBOIDALrhomboidal adj. Rhomboid, having a rhomboid shape.
RHOMBOIDAL adj. having, or approaching, the shape of a rhomboid.
RHOMBOIDEIrhomboidei n. Plural of rhomboideus.
RHOMBOIDEUS n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDES.
RHOMBOIDESrhomboides n. (Obsolete) A rhomboid.
RHOMBOIDES n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDEUS.
SCARABOIDSscaraboids n. Plural of scaraboid.
SCARABOID n. a lamellicorn beetle, also SCARAB, SCARABAEID, SCARABEE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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