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There are 20 nine-letter words containing BH

ABHENRIESabhenries n. Plural of abhenry.
ABHENRY n. a unit of inductance, the property of inducing an electromotive force by variation of current in a circuit.
ABHORRENTabhorrent adj. (Archaic) Inconsistent with, or far removed from, something; strongly opposed.
abhorrent adj. Contrary to something; discordant.
abhorrent adj. Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing.
ABHORRERSabhorrers n. Plural of abhorrer.
ABHORRER n. one who abhors.
ABHORRINGabhorring n. Detestation.
abhorring n. A detested thing.
abhorring v. Present participle of abhor.
BHEESTIESbheesties n. Plural of bheestie.
bheesties n. Plural of bheesty.
BHEESTY n. (Urdu) an Indian water carrier, also BHEESTIE, BHISHTI, BHISTEE, BHISTI, BHISTIE.
BHELPURISbhelpuris n. Plural of bhelpuri.
BHELPURI n. an Indian dish of puffed rice with onions.
BHIKKHUNIbhikkhuni n. A Buddhist nun.
BHIKKHUNI n. (Pali) a fully ordained Buddhist monk, also BHIKHU.
BOOBHEADSboobheads n. Plural of boobhead.
BOOBHEAD n. (Australian slang) a repeat offender in prison.
CLUBHANDSclubhands n. Plural of clubhand.
CLUBHAND n. a deformed hand.
CLUBHAULSclubhauls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of clubhaul.
CLUBHAUL v. to force a sailing vessel onto a new tack.
CLUBHEADSclubheads n. Plural of clubhead.
CLUBHEAD n. the part of a golf club that strikes the ball.
CLUBHOUSEclubhouse n. Any building used by a club for meetings or social activities.
clubhouse n. A locker room and possibly associated rooms used by an athletic team.
clubhouse n. (Golf) A building at a golf course that houses various activities associated with golf.
DOBHASHESdobhashes n. Plural of dobhash.
DOBHASH n. (Hindi) an interpreter.
DUMBHEADSdumbheads n. Plural of dumbhead.
DUMBHEAD n. a stupid person.
JOBHOLDERjobholder n. (US) Someone who is employed in a regular job.
JOBHOLDER n. one who has a job.
KNOBHEADSknobheads n. Plural of knobhead.
knob␣heads n. Plural of knob head.
KNOBHEAD n. (vulgar slang) a stupid person.
NUMBHEADSNUMBHEAD n. a stupid person, a blockhead.
SUBHEDRALsubhedral adj. (Mineralogy) Having some crystal faces and some grainy surfaces; neither entirely euhedral nor entirely anhedral.
SUBHEDRAL adj. showing some traces of crystal form.
SUBHUMANSsubhumans n. Plural of subhuman.
SUBHUMAN n. one that is less than human.
THUMBHOLEthumbhole n. A hole designed to receive a thumb.
THUMBHOLE n. a hole to insert the thumb in.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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