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There are 17 eight-letter words containing BN

ABNEGATEabnegate v. (Transitive) To deny (oneself something); to renounce or give up (a right, a power, a claim, a privilege…
abnegate v. (Transitive) To relinquish; to surrender; to abjure.
ABNEGATE v. to renounce or repudiate.
ABNORMALabnormal adj. Not conforming to rule or system; deviating from the usual or normal type.
abnormal adj. Of or pertaining to that which is irregular, in particular, behaviour that deviates from norms of social…
abnormal n. A person or object that is not normal.
DRABNESSdrabness n. The characteristic of being drab.
DRABNESS n. the quality of being drab.
DUBNIUMSDUBNIUM n. an element produced by bombarding plutonium with high energy neon ions.
DUMBNESSdumbness n. (Dated) The state of being mute: that is, of not communicating vocally, whether from selective mutism…
dumbness n. (Dated) Muteness, silence; abstention from speech.
dumbness n. (Dated) Show or gesture without words; pantomime; dumb-show.
GLIBNESSglibness n. The condition of being glib.
GLIBNESS n. the quality of being glib.
HOBNAILShobnails n. Plural of hobnail.
HOBNAIL v. to furnish with broad headed short nails.
HOBNOBBYhobnobby adj. Casually chatty; on familiar speaking terms.
HOBNOBBY adj. sociable, given to hobnobbing.
JOBNAMESjobnames n. Plural of jobname.
JOBNAME n. a computer code for a job instruction.
NUMBNESSnumbness n. Absent or reduced sensitivity to cutaneous stimulation.
numbness n. Inability or reduced ability to experience emotion.
NUMBNESS n. the state of being numb.
NUMBNUTSnumbnuts n. (Chiefly US, slang, derogatory, sometimes humorous, often as a term of address) A slow-witted, unresponsive…
NUMBNUTS n. an idiot.
SNUBNESSsnubness n. The quality of being snub.
SNUBNESS n. the quality of being snub.
STIBNITEstibnite n. A grey mineral, Sb2S3, that is the main ore of antimony; used in ancient times as the cosmetic kohl.
STIBNITE n. an ore of antimony.
SUBNASALsubnasal adj. Located under the nose.
subnasal n. A scale located below the nasal scale.
SUBNASAL adj. situated under the nose.
SUBNICHEsubniche n. A niche making up part of a larger niche.
SUBNICHE n. a subdivision of a habitat.
SUBNODALsubnodal adj. (Anatomy) Situated beneath the nodus.
SUBNODAL adj. situated under a node.
THUMBNUTthumbnut n. (Engineering) A nut with a knurled rim which can be turned with thumb and forefinger.
thumbnut n. Synonym of wingnut.
THUMBNUT n. a nut that is turned by the thumb and fingers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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