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There are 17 eight-letter words containing BF

ABFARADSabfarads n. Plural of abfarad.
ABFARAD n. a unit of capacitance, the ability to store an electric charge.
BOBFLOATBOBFLOAT n. a small buoyant float used in angling.
CLUBFACEclubface n. (Golf) The leading face of a golf club; the side of the clubhead that strikes the ball.
CLUBFACE n. the striking surface of a clubhead.
CLUBFEETclubfeet n. Plural of clubfoot.
club␣feet n. Plural of club foot.
CLUBFOOT n. a deformed foot.
CLUBFOOTclubfoot n. (Medicine) A congenital deformity of the foot in which the ankle, heel and toes are twisted.
club-foot adj. Club-footed.
club-foot n. Alternative form of clubfoot.
GABFESTSgabfests n. Plural of gabfest.
GABFEST n. (slang) a gathering characterised by much talk and gossip.
NUMBFISHnumbfish n. An electric ray of the family Narcinidae, capable of delivering numbing shocks.
NUMBFISH n. the torpedo fish, which numbs by the electric shocks which it gives.
SUBFEUEDsubfeued v. Simple past tense and past participle of subfeu.
SUBFEU v. to grant land to under Scottish feudal law.
SUBFIELDsubfield n. A smaller, more specialized area of study or occupation within a larger one.
subfield n. (Algebra) A subring of a field, containing the multiplicative identity and closed under inversion.
SUBFIELD n. a subset of a mathematical field.
SUBFILESsubfiles n. Plural of subfile.
SUBFILE n. a subdivision of a file.
SUBFIXESsubfixes n. Plural of subfix.
subfixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subfix.
SUBFIX n. a distinguishing symbol written below another character.
SUBFLOORsubfloor n. (Construction) The floor structure supporting and underlying the visible flooring or other finishing…
SUBFLOOR n. a rough floor laid as a base for a finished floor.
SUBFLUIDsubfluid n. A substance that is partly fluid, or between solid and liquid.
SUBFLUID adj. somewhat fluid.
SUBFRAMEsubframe n. A subsidiary frame (chunk of data).
subframe n. A structural component of a vehicle, such as an automobile or aircraft, that uses a discrete, separate…
subframe n. (Internet) One of the HTML frames that make up a frameset.
SUBFUSCSsubfuscs n. Plural of subfusc.
sub-fuscs n. Plural of sub-fusc.
sub␣fuscs n. Plural of sub fusc.
SUBFUSKSSUBFUSK n. dark, formal clothes worn in combination with the academic gown, esp. at Oxford University, also SUBFUSC.
TUBFASTStub-fasts n. Plural of tub-fast.
TUBFAST n. (Shakespeare) the treatment of venereal disease by fasting and sweating in a hot tub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 141 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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