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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing BC

BIBCOCKbibcock n. An appliance (typically a valve with a threaded outlet) allowing the provision of hose connections outside…
BIBCOCK n. a tap with a downturned nozzle.
BOBCATSbobcats n. Plural of bobcat.
BOBCAT n. a short-tailed North American lynx.
HUBCAPShubcaps n. Plural of hubcap.
hub␣caps n. Plural of hub cap.
HUBCAP n. a covering for the hub of a wheel.
MOBCAPSmobcaps n. Plural of mobcap.
mob␣caps n. Plural of mob cap.
MOBCAP n. a plain cap or headdress for women or girls; esp. one tying under the chin.
MOBCASTMOBCAST v. to broadcast over mobile phones.
OBCONICobconic adj. (Botany) of a fruit, conical in shape and attached to the stalk by the pointed end.
obconic adj. Conical, but having the apex downward; inversely conical.
OBCONIC adj. conical with the apex below.
RIBCAGEribcage n. Alternative spelling of rib cage.
rib-cage n. Alternative spelling of ribcage.
rib␣cage n. (Anatomy) A part of the skeleton within the thoracic area consisting of ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae.
SUBCELLsubcell n. A subdivision of a cell.
SUBCELL n. a subdivision of a cell.
SUBCLANsubclan n. A branch of a larger clan.
SUBCLAN n. a subdivision of a clan.
SUBCODEsubcode n. A code making up part of a larger code.
subcode n. Any of several channels of data added to a compact disc (or similar) that are used for indexing and tracking.
SUBCODE n. a subdivision of a code.
SUBCOOLsubcool v. (Transitive) To cool (a saturated liquid refrigerant) below the saturation temperature.
SUBCOOL v. to cool below the freezing point.
SUBCULTsubcult n. A cult making up part of a larger cult.
SUBCULT n. a subdivision of a cult.
WEBCAMSwebcams n. Plural of webcam.
WEBCAM n. a camera used for transmitting live images over the World Wide Web.
WEBCASTwebcast n. A video and/or audio broadcast transmitted via the Internet.
webcast v. To make such a broadcast.
WEBCAST v. to transmit sound and images via the World Wide Web.
WEBCHATwebchat n. A conversation that takes place, usually in text, over the World Wide Web.
webchat v. (Intransitive) To take part in such a conversation.
web␣chat n. Alternative form of webchat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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