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There are 8 words containing ASTIGMATI

ASTIGMATICastigmatic adj. (Medicine) Suffering from astigmatism.
astigmatic n. (Medicine) One who has astigmatism.
ASTIGMATIC adj. affected with, or pertaining to, astigmatism.
ASTIGMATICSastigmatics n. Plural of astigmatic.
ASTIGMATIC n. a person with astigmatism.
ASTIGMATISMastigmatism n. (Optics) A defect of a lens such that light rays coming from a point do not meet at a focal point so…
astigmatism n. (Pathology) A disorder of the vision, usually due to a misshapen cornea, such that light does not focus…
ASTIGMATISM n. a defect in the eye or a lens by which rays from a single source are not focused at a single point, also ASTIGMIA.
ANASTIGMATICanastigmatic adj. (Of the eye, or a lens system) Free from astigmatism.
ANASTIGMATIC adj. free from astigmatism.
ASTIGMATISMSastigmatisms n. Plural of astigmatism.
ASTIGMATISM n. a defect in the eye or a lens by which rays from a single source are not focused at a single point, also ASTIGMIA.
ANASTIGMATISMANASTIGMATISM n. being free from astigmatism.
ANASTIGMATISMSANASTIGMATISM n. being free from astigmatism.
ASTIGMATICALLYastigmatically adv. In an astigmatic manner; through or in relation to astigmatism.
ASTIGMATIC adv. affected with, or pertaining to, astigmatism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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