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There are 14 words containing ATITUDE

BEATITUDEbeatitude n. (Uncountable) Supreme, utmost bliss and happiness.
beatitude n. Any one of the Biblical blessings given by Jesus in Matthew 5:3–12. E.g.: "Blessed are the meek for…
BEATITUDE n. a state of blessedness.
BEATITUDESbeatitudes n. Plural of beatitude.
BEATITUDE n. a state of blessedness.
COLATITUDEcolatitude n. (Astronomy) The complement, in spherical coordinates, of a latitude (the difference between a latitude and 90°).
COLATITUDE n. the complement of the latitude, or the difference between any latitude and ninety degrees.
COLATITUDEScolatitudes n. Plural of colatitude.
COLATITUDE n. the complement of the latitude, or the difference between any latitude and ninety degrees.
GRATITUDEgratitude n. The state of being grateful.
GRATITUDE n. the state of being grateful.
GRATITUDESgratitudes n. Plural of gratitude.
GRATITUDE n. the state of being grateful.
INGRATITUDEingratitude n. A lack or absence of gratitude; thanklessness.
INGRATITUDE n. lack of gratitude.
INGRATITUDESingratitudes n. Plural of ingratitude.
INGRATITUDE n. lack of gratitude.
LATITUDElatitude n. (Geography, astronomy) The angular distance north or south from a planet’s equator, measured along the…
latitude n. (Geography) An imaginary line (in fact a circumference) around a planet running parallel to the planet’s equator.
latitude n. (Figurative) The relative freedom from restrictions; scope to do something.
LATITUDESlatitudes n. Plural of latitude.
LATITUDE n. freedom from narrow restrictions.
MIDLATITUDEmidlatitude n. Any latitude roughly half way between the equator and a pole.
midlatitude adj. Of or relating to the midlatitudes or phenomena located there.
MIDLATITUDE n. a latitude in the temperate regions.
MIDLATITUDESmidlatitudes n. Plural of midlatitude.
MIDLATITUDE n. a latitude in the temperate regions.
PLATITUDEplatitude n. (Countable) An often-quoted saying that is supposed to be meaningful but has become unoriginal or hackneyed…
platitude n. (Countable) A claim that is trivially true, to the point of being uninteresting.
platitude n. (Uncountable) Flatness; lack of change, activity, or deviation.
PLATITUDESplatitudes n. Plural of platitude.
PLATITUDE n. a commonplace or trite remark made as if it were important.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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