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There are 9 words containing ARAVANE

PARAVANEparavane n. (Nautical) A device, stabilized with vanes, towed alongside a vessel such that the cable attaching it…
paravane n. (Nautical) A towed underwater object with hydrofoils, of diverse uses.
PARAVANE n. an underwater device used to cut cables.
CARAVANEDcaravaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of caravan.
CARAVAN v. to travel in a portable home.
CARAVANERcaravaner n. One who travels in a caravan (convoy or procession).
caravaner n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) One who travels or stays in a caravan (furnished vehicle used as a dwelling).
CARAVANER n. one who travels by caravan, also CARAVANEER, CARAVANNER.
PARAVANESparavanes n. Plural of paravane.
PARAVANE n. an underwater device used to cut cables.
CARAVANEERcaravaneer n. The leader or driver of the camels in a caravan.
CARAVANEER n. the leader of a caravan, also CARAVANER, CARAVANNER.
CARAVANERScaravaners n. Plural of caravaner.
CARAVANER n. one who travels by caravan, also CARAVANEER, CARAVANNER.
CARAVANEERScaravaneers n. Plural of caravaneer.
CARAVANEER n. the leader of a caravan, also CARAVANER, CARAVANNER.
CARAVANETTEcaravanette n. A campervan.
CARAVANETTE n. a small caravan.
CARAVANETTEScaravanettes n. Plural of caravanette.
CARAVANETTE n. a small caravan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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