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There are 13 words containing ANSLATI

MISTRANSLATINGmistranslating v. Present participle of mistranslate.
MISTRANSLATE v. to translate wrongly.
MISTRANSLATIONmistranslation n. An incorrect translation.
mistranslation n. (Genetics) The incorporation of the incorrect amino acid into a peptide sequence.
MISTRANSLATION n. an erroneous translation.
MISTRANSLATIONSmistranslations n. Plural of mistranslation.
MISTRANSLATION n. an erroneous translation.
RETRANSLATINGretranslating v. Present participle of retranslate.
RETRANSLATE v. to translate (a translation) into another language.
RETRANSLATIONretranslation n. Translation again or anew.
RETRANSLATION n. the act of retranslating.
RETRANSLATIONSretranslations n. Plural of retranslation.
RETRANSLATION n. the act of retranslating.
TRANSLATINGtranslating v. Present participle of translate.
TRANSLATE v. to render into another language.
TRANSLATIONtranslation n. (Countable, uncountable) The act of translating, in its various senses…
translation n. (Countable) The product or end result of an act of translating, in its various senses.
TRANSLATION n. a rendering from one language into another.
TRANSLATIONALtranslational adj. Relating to translation, in its various senses…
TRANSLATIONAL adj. relating to translation.
TRANSLATIONALLYtranslationally adv. By means of, or in terms of, translation (in all senses).
TRANSLATIONAL adv. relating to translation.
TRANSLATIONStranslations n. Plural of translation.
TRANSLATION n. a rendering from one language into another.
TRANSLATIVEtranslative adj. Of, or relating to the movement of a person or thing from one place to another.
translative adj. Of, or relating to the translation of language.
translative adj. (Linguistics) Of, or relating to the translative case.
TRANSLATIVEStranslatives n. Plural of translative.
TRANSLATIVE n. a tense or case indicating process of change or movement through.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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