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There are 17 words containing AVICUL

AVICULARavicular adj. Of or pertaining to a bird or to birds.
AVICULAR adj. pertaining to birds.
NAVICULAnavicula n. (Christianity) A thurible in the shape of a boat.
Navicula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Naviculaceae – boat-shaped algae.
NAVICULA n. (Latin) an incense-holder shaped like a boat.
CLAVICULAclavicula n. (Anatomy) Alternative form of clavicle.
CLAVICULA n. (Latin) the collarbone, also CLAVICLE.
NAVICULARnavicular adj. Shaped like a boat.
navicular adj. Relating to boats.
navicular n. (Anatomy) A navicular bone.
NAVICULASNAVICULA n. (Latin) an incense-holder shaped like a boat.
AVICULTUREaviculture n. The rearing and care of birds (especially poultry).
AVICULTURE n. the rearing of birds.
CLAVICULAEclaviculae n. Plural of clavicula.
claviculæ n. Archaic form of claviculae.
CLAVICULA n. (Latin) the collarbone, also CLAVICLE.
CLAVICULARclavicular adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the clavicle.
CLAVICULAR adj. of or pertaining to the clavicle.
NAVICULARENAVICULARE n. a boat-shaped bone of the wrist, also NAVICULAR.
NAVICULARSnaviculars n. Plural of navicular.
NAVICULAR n. a boat-shaped bone of the wrist, also NAVICULARE.
AVICULTURESavicultures n. Plural of aviculture.
AVICULTURE n. the rearing of birds.
CLAVICULATEclaviculate adj. Of, or relating to the clavicle.
CLAVICULATE adj. shaped like a clavicula, the collarbone.
NAVICULARESNAVICULARE n. a boat-shaped bone of the wrist, also NAVICULAR.
AVICULTURISTaviculturist n. A person who keeps and rears (breeds) birds.
AVICULTURIST n. one who practises aviculture.
AVICULTURISTSaviculturists n. Plural of aviculturist.
AVICULTURIST n. one who practises aviculture.
SUBCLAVICULARsubclavicular adj. Beneath the clavicle.
SUBCLAVICULAR adj. situated below the clavicle.
INTERCLAVICULARinterclavicular adj. Between clavicles.
interclavicular adj. Of or pertaining to the interclavicle.
INTERCLAVICULAR adj. relating to the interclavicle, a bone between and beneath the clavicles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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