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There are 12 words containing AVERSE

AVERSEaverse adj. Having a repugnance or opposition of mind.
averse adj. Turned away or backward.
averse adj. (Obsolete) Lying on the opposite side (to or from).
AVERSELYaversely adv. Backward; in a backward direction.
aversely adv. With repugnance or aversion; unwillingly.
AVERSE adv. opposed, reluctant.
AVERSENESSaverseness n. The quality of being averse; opposition of mind.
AVERSENESS n. the state of being averse.
AVERSENESSESaversenesses n. Plural of averseness.
AVERSENESS n. the state of being averse.
METAVERSEmetaverse n. (Science fiction, Internet) A hypothetical future (counterpart or continuation of the) Internet, created…
metaverse n. A set or the composite of all universes.
METAVERSE n. a 3-D virtual world, esp. in an online role-playing game; the universe as portrayed in a given work of fiction.
METAVERSESmetaverses n. Plural of metaverse.
METAVERSE n. a 3-D virtual world, esp. in an online role-playing game; the universe as portrayed in a given work of fiction.
TRAVERSEtraverse n. (Climbing) A route used in mountaineering, specifically rock climbing, in which the descent occurs by…
traverse n. (Surveying) A series of points, with angles and distances measured between, traveled around a subject…
traverse n. (Obsolete) A screen or partition.
TRAVERSEDtraversed v. Simple past tense and past participle of traverse.
TRAVERSE v. to cross or pass through.
TRAVERSERtraverser n. One who, or that which, traverses or moves, such as an index on a scale.
traverser n. (Law) One who traverses, or denies.
traverser n. (Rail transport) A traverse table.
TRAVERSERStraversers n. Plural of traverser.
TRAVERSER n. one who traverses.
TRAVERSEStraverses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of traverse.
traverses n. Plural of traverse.
Traverses prop.n. Plural of Traverse.
UNTRAVERSEDuntraversed adj. That has not been traversed; unexplored.
UNTRAVERSED adj. not traversed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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