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There are 18 words containing ATRICU

MATRICULAmatricula n. (Obsolete) A register of students who are enrolled.
matricula n. (Obsolete) A document indicating that a student has passed a course of study.
matricula n. An identification card issued by the Mexican consulate.
MATRICULARMATRICULAR adj. relating to a register.
MATRICULASmatriculas n. Plural of matricula.
MATRICULA n. (Latin) a register of members, students etc.
CICATRICULAcicatricula n. (Biology) The point, in the yolk of an egg, from which the embryo is formed.
CICATRICULA n. a white spot, the germinating point in the yolk of an egg, also CICATRICHULE, CICATRICLE.
MATRICULANTmatriculant n. A person who has matriculated or been registered on a list or roll, usually at a school.
MATRICULANT n. one who is matriculating.
MATRICULATEmatriculate v. (Transitive) To enroll as a member of a body, especially of a college or university.
matriculate v. (Intransitive, stative) To be enrolled as a member of a body, especially of a college or university.
matriculate n. A person admitted to membership in a society.
CICATRICULAScicatriculas n. Plural of cicatricula.
CICATRICULA n. a white spot, the germinating point in the yolk of an egg, also CICATRICHULE, CICATRICLE.
MATRICULANTSmatriculants n. Plural of matriculant.
MATRICULANT n. one who is matriculating.
MATRICULATEDmatriculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of matriculate.
MATRICULATE v. to enroll.
MATRICULATESmatriculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of matriculate.
MATRICULATE v. to enroll.
MATRICULATORmatriculator n. Someone who matriculates, an enroller on a course, especially for a school.
MATRICULATOR n. one who matriculates.
MATRICULATINGmatriculating v. Present participle of matriculate.
MATRICULATE v. to enroll.
MATRICULATIONmatriculation n. Enrollment in a college or university.
matriculation n. A pass in some university examinations.
matriculation n. (Scotland) A registration of armorial bearings.
MATRICULATORSmatriculators n. Plural of matriculator.
MATRICULATOR n. one who matriculates.
MATRICULATORYMATRICULATORY adj. relating to matriculation.
MATRICULATIONSmatriculations n. Plural of matriculation.
MATRICULATION n. the act of matriculation.
UNMATRICULATEDunmatriculated adj. Not matriculated.
UNMATRICULATED adj. not matriculated.
NONMATRICULATEDnonmatriculated adj. Not matriculated.
NONMATRICULATED adj. not matriculated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 52 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 140 words

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