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There are 16 words containing ATISTI

STATISTICstatistic adj. Alternative form of statistical.
statistic n. A single item in a statistical study.
statistic n. A quantity calculated from the data in a sample, which characterises an important aspect in the sample…
DONATISTICDonatistic adj. Relating to Donatism.
DONATISTIC adj. pertaining to donatism, also DONATISTICAL.
STATISTICSstatistics n. A discipline, principally within applied mathematics, concerned with the systematic study of the collection…
statistics n. A systematic collection of data on measurements or observations, often related to demographic information…
statistics n. Plural of statistic.
STATISTICALstatistical adj. Of or pertaining to statistics.
STATISTICAL adj. relating to statistics.
CHREMATISTICchrematistic adj. Related to wealth as far as it can be calculated in terms of money.
CHREMATISTIC adj. pertaining to business or the pursuit of wealth.
DONATISTICALDonatistical adj. Relating to the Donatists.
DONATISTICAL adj. pertaining to donatism, also DONATISTIC.
PRAGMATISTICpragmatistic adj. Relating to pragmatism; pragmatic.
PRAGMATISTIC adj. relating to pragmatism.
SEPARATISTICseparatistic adj. Of or pertaining to separatists; schismatical.
SEPARATISTIC adj. relating to separatism, a belief in, movement for, or state of separation.
STATISTICIANstatistician n. A person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics.
statistician n. (Mathematics) A mathematician with a specialty of statistics.
STATISTICIAN n. one versed in or engaged in compiling statistics.
BIOSTATISTICSbiostatistics n. (Biology, mathematics) The application of statistics to the study and analysis of biological and medical data.
biostatistics n. Plural of biostatistic.
BIOSTATISTICS n. statistics applied to the analysis of biological data.
CHREMATISTICSchrematistics n. The study of wealth.
CHREMATISTICS n. the study of wealth; the science of political economy.
STATISTICALLYstatistically adv. In a statistical way.
statistically adv. From a statistical point of view.
statistically adv. From statistical evidence.
STATISTICIANSstatisticians n. Plural of statistician.
STATISTICIAN n. one versed in or engaged in compiling statistics.
BIOSTATISTICALbiostatistical adj. Pertaining to biostatistics.
BIOSTATISTICAL adj. relating to biostatistics.
NONSTATISTICALnonstatistical adj. Not statistical.
NONSTATISTICAL adj. not statistical.
BIOSTATISTICIANbiostatistician n. Person making or doing research on biostatistics.
BIOSTATISTICIAN n. one who studies biostatistics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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