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There are 8 words containing ASTASE

DIASTASEdiastase n. (Biochemistry) Any one of a group of enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of starch into maltose; mostly…
DIASTASE n. a soluble, nitrogenous ferment, capable of converting starch and dextrin into sugar.
ELASTASEelastase n. An endopeptidase enzyme involved in the breakdown of elastin.
ELASTASE n. an enzyme found in the pancreatic juice that decomposes elastin.
ANASTASESanastases n. Plural of anastasis.
ANASTASIS n. (Greek) in Byzantine art, the Harrowing of Hell.
DIASTASESdiastases n. Plural of diastase.
DIASTASE n. a soluble, nitrogenous ferment, capable of converting starch and dextrin into sugar.
ELASTASESelastases n. Plural of elastase.
ELASTASE n. an enzyme found in the pancreatic juice that decomposes elastin.
CATASTASEScatastases n. Plural of catastasis.
CATASTASIS n. the part of drama where action is at its height.
METASTASESmetastases n. (Medicine) plural of metastasis.
METASTASIS n. the transfer of disease from its original site to another part of the body.
APOCATASTASESapocatastases n. Plural of apocatastasis.
APOCATASTASIS n. the state of being restored to a previous condition, esp. the final restitution of all things at the appearance of the Messiah.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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